Tuesday, August 17, 2010

My first blog ever!

I feel like I should write something really profound here... but I've got nothing.  I recently learned that I can't eat gluten (along with a myriad of other tasty things: black beans, bell peppers, dairy, pork, beef...), which is a super bummer!  But I LOVE to cook and bake, so I'm not going to let a few allergies and intolerances stop me!  I'm discovering that more and more people are unable to eat gluten and many are coming to me for recipes.  Instead of emailing each person when I find a really delicious recipe, I've decided to make a food blog.  I'd also love to hear of any tips or recipes you have to share, so join me on this foody journey and let's make some delicious delicacies!

As for something profound.... here you go: 

"Cooking is like love. It should be entered into with abandon or not at all. 
-Harriet van Horne

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